Large $75

2435x2435 px | 8.1"x8.1" @ 300dpi


beige, ocean, house, brown, ice water, red, navy yard, city, brooklyn, manhattan, skyline, winter, new york, brick, building, snow, bridge, east river, dwelling, port of entry, New York City, shipyard, borough, port, New York, district, housing, edifice, crimson, strait, channel, drinking water, metropolis, ceramic, food, season, urban area, water, building material, urban center, light brown, beverage, workplace, horizon, nutrient


Brooklyn, Brooklyn Navy Yard, NYC, New York, East River, River, snow, Manhattan, winter, winter in the city, ice, water, skyline, red, bridge, building, brick building, brick, New York City


Aerial Shots

  • ID: 56a57e2ab0528256148f4360
  • Original Size: 2435 x 2435px
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: January 25, 2016
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes