Freelancer working from home

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Female freelance worker shot needed.

We are in need of a shot for our website that shows a content (happy and focused) female freelancer working from her home office. The shot should be a side view, with the woman sitting at her desk in front of her laptop working. The woman should be average looking to relatively attractive (with or without glasses is fine) and the shot should have her facing towards the left or camera's direction.

People Technology
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - @ktpinkney I truly appreciate ur purchase. Couldn't find other place to leave you a thankful note. NYC skyline for the best! Thanks a lot, Kevin!
10 years ago - @ktpinkney What a nice surprise to see this morning! I greatly appreciate your purchase and wonderful feedback. Thanks so much, Kevin! :)
10 years ago - Thanks for the invite. Sorry I'm late but I will get on this ASAP
10 years ago - Thanks for the invite Kevin. Unfortunately I'm away from home got a number of days. Not sure I'll be back in time to slip some shots in - will see how I travel :)